Monday, March 17, 2008


Our project is focused on a specific part of Beloit Wisconsin’s ecosystem. Where we live, work and shop is integral to being outward viewing citizens of our country and beings of our planet. In the last 200 years since the Industrial Revolution of western culture humans have been dumping, discharging, discarding and disregarding the planet. In what is comparatively a very short amount of time, we have both realized what past generations have done and seen what we can do. What we must do now is just do it.

And that is what Beloit is doing. By chance, three major sustainable and green initiatives are being established between 2007 and 2008. Kettle Foods chose Beloit for their eco-friendly plant. Beloit College is striding toward making their campus sustainable and closer to its original, natural environment. Grass Is Green Gardens is expanding the local farmer’s market to a year round grocery.

All of this happening in this age of technology. News sources were found in their online format for easy follow-through and two of the interviews were conducted through email. We have also chosen to write in blog format because of the ease of embedded video, pictures and direct links to sources. To easily sort entries by topic simply click the tag under “labels” at the bottom of the entry. This will bring you to any entry tagged with the label, in order of how they were posted.

Also, the posts are dated early and in order for easy reading; the actual dates and times of posting are incorrect and can be disregarded.

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